There are a number of different meals for a number of different occasions. Depending on the time of the year, the type of celebration, the amount of people, and a variety of other variables, coming up with the right menu for your event can be as challenging as it is important. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you navigate your catering menu options before the big day.
Get a Head Count for Your Caterer
Even if it’s only an estimate of how many people you expect, this will help both the planning and budgeting for your event.
Plan for the Time of the Day of Your Event
Each meal during the day requires a unique approach. For breakfast, hot buffets and breakfast stations work well. For lunch, different buffet options are ideal depending on your schedule. For dinner, plated options are an opportunity to let the food stand out.
Special Considerations for Your Catered Event
It is important to be mindful of any potential food allergies, religious requirements, and other dietary restrictions any of your guests may have.
Bacon and Fig Events will help to take these considerations and many more off of your plate. With a wide array of menu styles and options, as well as event planning and set up, you are able to focus on other things.
By the Pan / Tray Menu Options
Appetizers, soups, salad & sandwich trays, as well as entrées and deserts are all available in a variety of quantities and flavors.
Buffet Menu Options
Hot and cold starters, salads and sandwiches, seafood, carving stations, and more can all be available as a part of your buffet .
Breakfast and Brunch Menu Options
Hosting an event in the morning? Opt from Bacon and Fig’s continental and premium breakfast stations , or by the pan/tray options that can include anything and everything that make this the most important meal of the day.
With a dedication to produce a one-of-a-kind culinary experience by providing the highest quality food and service, Bacon and Fig Events is here to exceed your expectations. With the combined expertise of Louisiana Culinary Institute and BRQ Barbeque and Seafood , Bacon and Fig Events will customize your perfect celebration.